Standard SLCC Technologies


This document outlines the current SLCC Standard Technologies. The following are the approved standard computer, printer, inter-departmental software, and accessory options.

All non-standard SLCC software/hardware purchases and subscriptions (including renewals) are required to be reviewed with the OIT. Refer to the SLCC Technology Approval and Prioritization Process.

Departments are required to purchase the following technology from the vendors indicated below.






Software Available for Inter-Departmental Purchase:

Email the Helpdesk with the number of licenses needed, employee name(s), index to charge, and software (include the plan for Visio access). After license has been assigned, the index will be charged annually until access is requested to be cancelled.


Peripherals and Accessories (keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc.):


***If you have questions or issues, contact Brandon Ostrander at Ext 4166 or***